


About O-tribe

About O-tribe

The origin of O-tribe lies in the heart of the letter or symbol O.

The symbol ‘O’ carries multiple meanings. For O-tribe, in the context of expression through language, it means both nothing and everything at the same time. It is a unity of the two entities that makes it a powerful symbol.

When we allow ourselves to detach from form, feeling, perception, mental formations and sense-experience, the space we create can then free us from suffering. This freedom will intrinsically make us tune into our true, authentic and whole selves; that’s the ‘everything’ factor to the symbol O.

Since the dawn of consciousness, the human race has had an intrinsic desire for community and connection. Finding one’s ‘Tribe’ is paramount to our search for meaning; the loyalty, protection and affinity brings a sense of strength through unity. O-tribe is about growing together as a species and being the best versions of ourselves. When one rises, we all rise.

As the African proverb says:

“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”



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