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Meditation vs Mindfulness

Meditation vs Mindfulness - there's a difference, Find out more at O-tribe

There can be some confusion between the meaning of these two terms as they’re often used in a similar context. 

Essentially, mindfulness is the practice of bringing your full awareness to all aspects of the life you live, day to day. Tuning into the present moment of each task you do and while you’re doing it. 

Let’s take brushing your teeth for example. For an activity so mundane to many of us, let’s engage with it. Brushing your teeth mindfully would be being aware of the motion of the brushing, the tension in the muscles of your hand as you hold the toothbrush, the taste of the toothpaste in your mouth, what is your tongue doing at this point. And then to reflect after on the task to see how you’re feeling. Are you feeling sleepy? revitalised? 

All this observation was done without judgment. This is mindful living.

In teaching the mind this, we ultimately become more present in our lives. To our family, friends, colleagues etc. We take a breath, not bound to reactive thoughts and feelings, which is particularly helpful when faced with challenging circumstances or difficult issues.

Meditation is the formal practice of finding clarity and peace within ourselves. This is achieved through different meditation techniques that can all lead to the same place of clarity and peace. 

See Mindfulness as a way of life and meditation as the tool to make us live a more peaceful and happier life.

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